2024 Village Banner Contestants

During 2024, The Sun Peaks Resort, Tourism Sun Peaks, and the Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality joined with ArtZone Sun Peaks to coordinate a contest where the “Essence of Sun Peaks” could be captured in visual art, to be displayed for the next 3 years on the Village Banners.

Winners of this contest were: Zuzy Rocka and Dennis Staginnus. We are proud to have both as members of ArtZone!

So many artists submitted their vision, that it seemed a shame for no one to see the incredible work that went into these submissions. We have chosen to display them as an online exhibition here.

The Unveiling Poem

“The Essence of Sun Peaks”

by ChatGPT

In the heart of Sun Peaks, where the mountains sing,

An artist dreams of capturing everything,

The essence of dawn, when the sky blushes pink,

And dusk's gentle whisper, as the sun starts to sink.

With brushes ablaze and colours so bold,

They weave tales of sunlight, of stories untold.

Each stroke a dance, a symphony in hues,

Of alpenglow magic and morning dews.

They blend the gold of the noonday sun,

With shadows that play, when the day is done.

Mountains rise proud, in their silent might,

Reflecting the day and embracing the night.

Through valleys and meadows, the banner unfolds,

A tapestry of dreams, where the heart beholds,

The spirit of nature, alive and free,

In the canvas of beauty, for all to see.

As the banner is raised, a hush fills the air,

Eyes widen in wonder, hearts full of flair.

For the artist has captured, with skill and with grace,

The soul of Sun Peaks, in a timeless embrace.

Cheers erupt, like echoes through pines,

As the banner shines bright, where the sunlight aligns.

For in each stroke and every hue,

Lies the essence of Sun Peaks, forever true.